Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Inside Modern Architecture of 21 Century Home

A home is one-third of man’s basic necessities. Just because it is basic, it does not necessarily mean that it should exist as something plain and boring. In essence, your homes can be a reflection of your core personality.
Krish Icon - Bhiwadi
This post is about the tiny things that are a part of the vast world of ‘Modern Residential Architecture’ which one perceives at a sub-conscious level but does not accept on a conscious level. Modern Residential Architecture may be  thing that you were looking for but were never quite able to place a finger on.
Modern Residential Architecture is built on basically two elements – simplification of form and an absence of excess decoration. In other words, it follows the ‘less is more’ principle giving you just what you need for a beautiful and luxurious home.
All this began at the turn of the 20th century where along with everything else, even the fundamentals of architecture went through the renaissance phase. This happened because of development of both technology and society itself. There are a few common characteristics that modern architecture possesses. They are listed as follows:
Usual architecture means hiding the pillars and beams in your house which is usually considered ugly and something that’s best hidden from view. Modern architecture says otherwise. It involves visually displaying the basic structure rather than trying to hide it unnecessarily.
Materials used in your homes have special importance in modern architecture. The importance lies in the principle of ‘Truth to material’, which means that the true nature and form of the materials are exposed rather than camouflaging its essence. Very ‘Be what you are’, don’t you think? Modern architecture stays true to its name. Instead of depending majorly on nature for raw materials, it depends on industrially-produced materials which can add that sharp technological edge to your homes.
The modern architect believes more in keeping things straight – what we mean is that there is more emphasis on vertical and horizontal lines which gives your homes a strong and stately demeanor.
This being said, the only thing constant about homes and their decor is change. True, that accepting change is difficult – but when it comes to the beauty and luxury of a space that is forever and truly yours, is asking to change asking for too much?

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